
A week

 A week has gone by and still you aren't here, My eyes and my mind are far from clear... I feel like my memory has somewhat halted, What had kept me on the ground is no longer bolted... I never really understood, perhaps because I never lost, I never really understood how much it might cost... Not in money, not in a financial way, No, it's more like...It's like...How should I say? I lost my dad, it was quick, within a day, Absolutely in no way could he have been able to stay. His heart was bad, so very sick... He was on drugs and a machine to help it continue to tick... Dad, well...It wasn't like we cuddled a lot, Saying 'Love you' and kissing on the cheek we did not... We were more like cheeky mates, saying a lot of nothing, Yet, it was like we said a lot of something...   We must have somehow gotten close, For me to feel so rotten and gross. Taken by surprise, to feel so tired and low, I've become so sleepy and slow...   I feel like some of me is in denial

Just another quote I wanted to jot down

We, as humans, do the things we do simply because we live with ourselves 24/7. Why wouldn't we want to do what we want to do? Who'd wanna live being upset and unhappy? That is one thing you can count on humans doing...Living for themselves. - TLCsDestiny So if someone's being selfish, it's natural...It's normal... But, what if someone doesn't care anymore, about wanting something and doesn't want to be upset and unhappy to not get what they want...What do they call that? I'm trying not to want much at all, trying to find easy ways to make myself happy. Like seeing others smile and laugh but yes, the natural selfish part of me sometimes does come out and it sucks cause it only tells me that with me living with me for 24/7, it just sometimes isn't enough.

A ruder version of 'TLCsDestiny'

  Apparently I'm becoming more popular! My name is spreading!  Do Dun Dun! But in a bad way! So, I looked myself up, it has nothing to do with the word vain, it was more of a...Whatever...Anyway I looked 'TLCsDestiny' up and found that someone is posing as me, Yes, with my picture as well, on 'Disgus'! Yay, I'm so happy that 'I'm' 'readi ng' Manga and then even giving out a link to go elsewhere! Yeah, not cool! This is why people suck! You can't trust em hey! So, obviously, since this has come to my attention, I would like to state that: THAT IS NOT ME! THE 'TLCSDESTINY' ON DISGUS IS NOT ME! I tried to put down on that that person using that pic and name is not the same person that actually looks like that but god only knows what people will think, probably the opposite... Anyway, I've put it up on scribblehub, twitch and now here to hopefully keep me from getting into some kind of trouble. Sadly it's apparently happened f

Another quote

 I just wanted to make sure that I had this written down. I didn't want to forget it! TLCsDestiny's new quote: If reincarnation isn't real...Then we are all equal noobs because we are all living life for the first time! It's not only 'good' experiences that make us who we are. To experience life properly and with more understanding, one must endure and go through 'bad' times as well.   Yeah, I like it, I don't care what anyone says lol. I'm off again. Cya

My Valheim House

 So I just wanted to put these up for whomever was interested. I haven't been writing lately, I even feel like that part of me might have disappeared...Pfft, scary. Anyway, this is what I've been working on, not the only thing but hey, thought it be nice to share. ^ My bar. It's called 'The Piss Pot' ^ My bonfire just outside of bar   ^ A bit further out from bonfire, on top of the roof of the smithy, you can see the walkway to get there behind the bonfire.   ^ Behind the flags in bar (It's storage, sort of like a hide away)   ^ Further out again, looking at smithy to left and bar up top in middle       ^ To the right of bonfire, see the windmill on the right? It's in front of the portal place     ^ The bridge connecting to the other side on the right, it's the portal place, on the left is the main building     ^ On the bridge now that connects to portal place (really should call that something different...(New mission!!!))     ^ Inside and upstairs of p

Just need a moment

 I had started to believe, quite some time ago, that the less you had was supposed to make it easier to obtain happiness. The less you take for granted makes you feel good to obtain anything... Right now I'm wondering if perhaps that is me just trying to endure. Perhaps I'm feeling so trapped and ready to cry and scream that I feel I should have less and less so that I can 'obtain happiness' easier and easier.  I know I'm upset and probably shouldn't speak out loud, or type, but...I feel like I need to be heard sometimes. I stop myself from getting angry often, I stop and breathe for patience...I hold in what I'm feeling because... I just feel like such an insignificant spec.  I try to help honestly everyday. I try to keep in mind what my actions or words may mean to another.  Perhaps sometimes I feel like I don't get that in return...that my dedication is hardly returned back. Yet, I live to the fullest! I told myself to live, when I could not die!  I w


 Yoda.   I'd like to ADD another quote that I have made: If we had evolved from the sea, yet now can't breath in water...What if we evolved to be out into space? Will we never be able to return back to Earth?    I'd also like to ADD that I've somehow made two people make emotional outbursts today...I really don't know how telling a fact can bring on depression for about 2 hours. Is the person in denial? Are they overly self conscious, as in they already know their fault but couldn't 'help' it? I mean, do we all know of our faults? What if they are never told? What if I had said nothing but kept it inside? Well, anyway, I guess what had happened had got to me more then I thought but I still shouldn't have come across so bluntly. Whatever... The other outburst was because I didn't understand something...Honestly, I didn't! I'm sorry if 'I don't understand' is not what you wanna hear but I will tell you what I see and how I feel.