Good Whatevers to you!
So I had a thought of experience while watching a movie and I swear experience needed for a job is over rated!
I don't say this without having thought and thought about as well as seeing this day and age people and the jobs that are around today, I say this with pure honesty that there should be an allowable opening for inexperienced people if...IF they show they are enthusistic and show that they have improved with something previously...Or something like that...
The movie had someone do something without any prior experience and ended up being quite good at the job. Actually, the person was probably better at it then someone who had experience, and that is why I'm thinking that in some cases, as an employer, you should be able to look past experience and see the person. The person might not show regard in some way and make it easier for you to give up on them but if the person is practically begging and stating that they catch on quick and needs the job would it be so bad to put them on probation and give them a go?
I know some jobs are hard, I know some jobs need the know how to be understood but really I learnt how to be a supervisor in one particular job and I had no experience. I was actually pretty good at it too I just didn't get paid for it! I was so young then, it had been my first job and I had no idea on how to fight for what I worked for!
I mean it though, If I was placed somewhere and had to chance to learn and experience a different job, I'd do it!
In the end I don't think it's Xp that employers should look for as the prime reason for a potiential employee. Of course Xp is good, I just think it's overrated...That's all...
Now, for someone like Anonym, who dies so much that she's 'pro' at it...Haha, like I said I have to 'preach' my books in every post lol.
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