Other Dramas

So the site I was using...
(Backs up and closes the door, only to reopen it) 
So the site I using to watch a few k drama's and j and c drama's, etc, has gone...
*Sad face*
I usually use viki, but here in a Australia, we can't get a lot of shows, hense the second site...
*Sad face*

I don't understand how there is so much difference everywhere. I'm not talking about how natural things are different, like the flow of water and how it spins in the toilet, that kinda stuff is not something we can change. I'm talking about different money, different food and different ways to watch shows!
Region 1, region 2, etc
why...Why so many?
I'm no electriction or whatever profession is needed for anaylisis upon why this is so, but is it really...Does it really have to happen?
Why couldn't we at least met up on a few more things, you know, especially money!
Man, I don't know if it's me or others but I hate watching those shows that talk in the millions! (As in like Korea, I think.)
To me it's like 300 thousand, but to them it's like 300...
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get used to that!
'You're kidding, 3000 for a bar of choclate!' is my 'nonthinking and working out' response...

Yes, as you see, I'm one of those people that would like the world to unite, not for peace (Don't really think that's possible with humans) no, it's more to make life easier...(Oh so I think)
With the same money, we wouldn't need to worry about changing it...
With the same dvd player...We wouldn't have to worry about which dvd we can buy lol.
Well, anyway, it probably wouldn't happen. I can't see people seeing others and not thinking, 'So what continent you come from.' within just moments of meeting them. I suppose even if the world united like that, this would be a question and so this is why I don't say much about it but I suppose in a blog it doens't matter...Right?
I can say what I want and if people critize me then hey, maybe they just want to be seen in the comment section? lol
Whatever, I'm afraid of blackholes and think we are insignificant specs in the universe, how are critics going to hurt me now?



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