
I find it funny how humans think they are dreaming when something unbelievable is happening.

It's funny because it might only be them thinking it unbelievable, yet believable to others but also funny because it's like they can't trust what is happening, even if it is something good from family or a best mate.

'You just won a 500 million dollars!'
Yeah, that would be nice and all and no doubt make one think that they are 'dreaming'. 

On the opposite side of things, where strange things happen yet humans believe it straight away, then what is that? Perhaps...
I've noticed that the age gap or generations tend to act different...
What we thought as scary and what we might have perceived as a good movie, is not the same for the next generation. My daughter doesn't seem to like what I did when I was her age...
Why is that?
The world is changing and so what...Everything has to change as well!?
Well, lets think about bugs bunny for a moment. (He might not been a favourite of mine but still pleasent to watch nonetheless). Back then when I used to watch it, it was fun and held my interest. I knew not to take them personally and that they were only cartoons. Now...Yeah, you all know it right. It's like near the complete opposite on what I just said! It's not so fun anymore because well, apparently all cartoons have made bugs bunny very 'normal and uninteresting' or something...It doesn't seem like it holds attention anymore either, is it because it's a cartoon, or because it's 'stupid'? The cartoon has also been known as something 'kids shouldn't be learning', hense it has been taken by more then just a cartoon and someone has complained about it...Why, why is there so much new content!? I mean I know people want to make a career out of it and all, but do we have to replace everything old with everything new? What's so wrong with replaying what used to play. It's not like I'm watching it personally...
Whatever...TV is hopeless anyway, I'm glad I don't use it anymore. (Don't get me started on ads!)

Anyway, I just find it funny. Humans believe in some things and don't believe in others, making them act differently...Then kids of today are different to kids of a few decades ago because the world has changed...

People take things too seriously, or letting minority ruin it majority. 

Well, anyway, since I should do it at least one in each blog, I'll say that you should read one of my books...I don't think I can refer to one through this particular blog but let's just state the link instead lol.

Did it work?



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